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Casino gaming is a favorite pastime in Michigan, with plenty of choices throughout the region for those who love to play. With scheduled service to two Michigan casinos, Indian Trails offers great value, along with convenient pickup and drop-off locations. No part of this website may be reproduced, published, distributed, displayed, performed, copied or stored for public or private use without written permission from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort houses a new 3,000-seat events center where acts from Hank Williams, Jr. to Lady Antebellum have performed. This unique venue option features amphitheater seating on three levels for a variety of events and programs. The main floor can accommodate everything from a dinner for 800 to a tradeshow with more than 150 booths. The casino can also host groups and meetings ranging from ten to over 3,000 people in a state-of-the-art conference facility. The large meeting space can be broken down into 7 smaller configurations to suit any event or group needs.
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